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Resampling Methods and R 2e (Paperback)

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Resampling Methods and R 2e (Paperback)
Product Description

A highly accessible alternative approach to basic statistics Praise for the First Edition: Certainly one of the most impressive little paperback 200-page introductory statistics books that I will ever see . . . it would make a good nightstand book for every statistician. --Technometrics Written in a highly accessible style Introduction to Statistics through Resampling Methods and R Second Edition guides students in the understanding of descriptive statistics estimation hypothesis testing and model building. The book emphasizes the discovery method enabling readers to ascertain solutions on their own rather than simply copy answers or apply a formula by rote. The Second Edition utilizes the R programming language to simplify tedious computations illustrate new concepts and assist readers in completing exercises. The text facilitates quick learning through the use of: More than 250 exercises--with selected hints --scattered throughout to stimulate readers thinking and to actively engage them in applying their newfound skills An increased focus on why a method is introduced Multiple explanations of basic concepts Real-life applications in a variety of disciplines Dozens of thought-provoking problem-solving questions in the final chapter to assist readers in applying statistics to real-life applications Introduction to Statistics through Resampling Methods and R Second Edition is an excellent resource for students and practitioners in the fields of agriculture astrophysics bacteriology biology botany business climatology clinical trials economics education epidemiology genetics geology growth processes hospital administration law manufacturing marketing medicine mycology physics political science psychology social welfare sports and toxicology who want to master and learn to apply statistical methods.

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March 4, 2025

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