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Bikinis Bell-Bottoms and Little Black Dresses: 70 Great Fashion Classics (Hardcover)

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Bikinis Bell-Bottoms and Little Black Dresses: 70 Great Fashion Classics (Hardcover)
Product Description

In the fickle world of fashion little is certain except the sure knowledge that fashions come and go and today s unfashionable styles are likely to be back in vogue tomorrow. Bikinis Bell-Bottoms and Little Black Dresses chronicles the most influential exciting and shocking items of clothing of the last 100 years. The trench coat the trainer and the miniskirt to name only three have all changed the way we think about our dress. Fashion journalist Kate Mulvey charts the evolution of 70 key garments investigating how their individual stories have helped shape the course of fashion history. Each entry traces the origins of an unforgettable item of clothing and explores the moment it first made an impact on the world fashion stage as well as the garments that developed out of it the personalities who wore it and its continuing popularity today. With illustrations sourced from fashion features catwalk shots advertisements and film stills Bikinis Bell-Bottoms and Little Black Dresses is an entertaining stylish overview of modern dress that will thrill fashionistas everywhere. In the fickle world of fashion little is certain except the sure knowledge that fashions come and go and today s unfashionable styles are likely to be back in vogue tomorrow. Bikinis Bell-Bottoms and Little Black Dresses chronicles the most influential exciting and shocking items of clothing of the last 100 years. The trench coat the trainer and the miniskirt to name only three have all changed the way we think about our dress. Fashion journalist Kate Mulvey charts the evolution of 70 key garments investigating how their individual stories have helped shape the course of fashion history. Each entry traces the origins of an unforgettable item of clothing and explores the moment it first made an impact on the world fashion stage as well as the garments that developed out of it the personalities who wore it and its continuing popularity today. With illustrations sourced from fashion features catwalk shots advertisements and film stills Bikinis Bell-Bottoms and Little Black Dresses is an entertaining stylish overview of modern dress that will thrill fashionistas everywhere.

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Last updated
January 13, 2025

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