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The 30-30 Career: Making 30 Grand in 30 Seconds! Vol. 2: Becoming a Platinum Composer (Paperback) by Wendell Hanes

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Product Name
The 30-30 Career: Making 30 Grand in 30 Seconds! Vol. 2: Becoming a Platinum Composer (Paperback) by Wendell Hanes
Product Description

9781452050966. New condition. Trade paperback. Pages: 284. Trade paperback (US). 284 p. Black & white illustrations. THE 30-30 Career is the #1 MOST COMPREHENSIVE BOOK SERIES ON MUSIC AND ADVERTISING! YOU MAY NOT SELL A MILLION RECORDS but you can MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS in the world of music and advertising. VOLUME 3 of THE 30-30 CAREER: BECOMING A PLATINUM COMPOSER! Making Music For Commercials shows you how to break big into a music industry full of competition using the decisions and actions of Award-Winning Commercial Composer Wendell Hanes as a blueprint to scoring over 700 commercials themes and promos. A 24/7 grind is the blueprint to your success. EARN your spot HOLD your spot and NEVER stop! The next time the record industry closes you out tap the advertising industry.Become a Platinum Composer! Don t chase the dream. Build the Career. The 30-30 CAREER!

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December 8, 2024

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