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Pyle Pro Vamp-Series 30-Watt Amplifier w/ 3-Band EQ and Overdrive Black

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Product Name
Pyle Pro Vamp-Series 30-Watt Amplifier w/ 3-Band EQ and Overdrive Black
Product Description

Although a small and compact design the Pyle Pro 30-Watt Vamp Series Amplifier produces a huge and everlasting sound with the 6-inch lightweight 30-watt speaker. Complete with a 1/4-inch headphone jack for silent rehearsing and a 1/4-inch output jack for the opportunity to hookup external speakers. The two channel option allows you to have a clear sound or set to overdrive for a crunchy powerful sound. With a quick adjustment of the gain on the overdrive you can have that classic blown-out sound. With the secure and supportive strap located on top of the amplifier you can take the Vamp-Series Amplifier wherever you go. Whether you are practicing or preforming at a sold out show the Pyle Pro 30-Watt Vamp-Series Amplifier provides sound that will be sure to leave an impression.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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