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Stock Market Rules: The 50 Most Widely Held Investment Axioms Explained Examined and Exposed Fourth Edition (Paperback)

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Stock Market Rules: The 50 Most Widely Held Investment Axioms Explained Examined and Exposed Fourth Edition (Paperback)
Product Description

50 RULES FOR BEATING THE STREET IN ANY MARKET CONDITIONS The go-to stock-investing guide for more than a decade Stock Market Rules gives you the knowledge and clarity you need to invest like the wizards of Wall Street. This proven guide reveals the unwritten rules on which Wall Street investors have long relied to help you draw outsized profits even in volatile markets. Stock Market Rules Fourth Edition analyzes 50 maxims to show you which ones work which ones used to work but don t anymore and which ones are and always have been dangerously wrong. Examples include: RULE #6: It s Always a Bull Market-- There will always be a long-term buying bias to the stock market because if there isn t the market will cease to exist Sheimo writes. RULE #22: Buy the Stock That Splits--After explaining the mechanics of a stock split and reviewing post-split behavior of specific stocks Sheimo determines that a split alone is no reason to buy a stock. RULE #48: There s Always a Santa Claus Rally-- There is a repetitive tendency of the stock market to rally between the months of November and December Sheimo says. An investor can take advantage of such rallies. Stock Market Rules provides market-proven techniques and insights that will dramatically improve your investing knowledge confidence and results.

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March 4, 2025

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