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Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis: Excursions in Harmonic Analysis Volume 1: The February Fourier Talks at the Norbert Wiener Center (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis: Excursions in Harmonic Analysis Volume 1: The February Fourier Talks at the Norbert Wiener Center (Hardcover)
Product Description

The Norbert Wiener Center for Harmonic Analysis and Applications provides a state-of-the-art research venue for the broad emerging area of mathematical engineering in the context of harmonic analysis. This two-volume set consists of contributions from speakers at the February Fourier Talks (FFT) from 2006-2011. The FFT are organized by the Norbert Wiener Center in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Maryland College Park. These volumes span a large spectrum of harmonic analysis and its applications. They are divided into the following parts: Volume I - Sampling Theory - Remote Sensing - Mathematics of Data Processing - Applications of Data Processing Volume II - Measure Theory - Filtering - Operator Theory - Biomathematics Each part provides state-of-the-art results with contributions from an impressive array of mathematicians engineers and scientists in academia industry and government. Excursions in Harmonic Analysis: The February Fourier Talks at the Norbert Wiener Center is an excellent reference for graduate students researchers and professionals in pure and applied mathematics engineering and physics.

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March 9, 2025

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