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Current Issues in Maritime Economics (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Current Issues in Maritime Economics (Hardcover)
Product Description

Current Issues in Maritime Economics contains a selection of the papers presented at an international conference held in Rotterdam June 1991. The book contains 11 papers from many world leaders in maritime economic analysis and will be of interest to shipping professsionals as well as to students of the field. Current Issues in Maritime Economics addresses three major areas of interest. First contributors discuss the rapidly changing international context. Second the relationship between market structure and the workability of competition is analyzed. The final area concerns the decision processes of firms in the changing shipping world. Individually these papers might have found their way into volumes on subjects as disparate as business finance industrial structure mathematical modelling or political philosophy. Together they offer a broad representation of both the issues and the style of analysis adopted by many of the world s leading maritime economists.

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March 7, 2025

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