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IPG 5560CDNR Contractors Grade Sheathing Tape 72.1 yd L X 2.36 in W Acrylic Adhesive Polypropylen

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Product Name
IPG 5560CDNR Contractors Grade Sheathing Tape 72.1 yd L X 2.36 in W Acrylic Adhesive Polypropylen
Product Description

Aggressive solvent based acrylic on a polypropylene film. provides superior sealing and protective benefits. designed for permanent seaming and sealing of joints in foam insulation housewrap and other sheathing materials. secures lap edges on house wrapsand other vapor barriers repairs rips and tears in roll and batt insulation construction films and membranes. eliminates drafts around window and door openings. bonds at sub-zero (as low as -40-degrees celsius/fahrenheit) or at elevated temperatures. weather and uv resistant. ccmc certified red.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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