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Pre-Owned Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life (Paperback) 1400045371 9781400045372

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Pre-Owned Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life (Paperback) 1400045371 9781400045372
Product Description

Out of nowhere like a cool breeze in a marketplace crowded with advice comes Byron Katie and The Work. In the midst of a normal life Katie became increasingly depressed and over a ten-year period sank further into rage despair and thoughts of suicide. Then one morning she woke up in a state of absolute joy filled with the realization of how her own suffering had ended. The freedom of that realization has never left her and now in Loving What Is you can discover the same freedom through The Work. The Work is simply four questions that when applied to a specific problem enable you to see what is troubling you in an entirely different light. As Katie says It s not the problem that causes our suffering; it s our thinking about the problem. Contrary to popular belief trying to let go of a painful thought never works; instead once we have done The Work the thought lets go of us. At that point we can truly love what is just as it is. Loving What Is will show you step-by-step through clear and vivid examples exactly how to use this revolutionary process for yourself. You ll see people do The Work with Katie on a broad range of human problems from a wife ready to leave her husband because he wants more sex to a Manhattan worker paralyzed by fear of terrorism to a woman suffering over a death in her family. Many people have discovered The Work s power to solve problems; in addition they say that through The Work they experience a sense of lasting peace and find the clarity and energy to act even in situations that had previously seemed impossible. If you continue to do The Work you may discover as many people have that the questioning flows into every aspect of your life effortlessly undoing the stressful thoughts that keep you from experiencing peace. Loving What Is offers everything you need to learn and live this remarkable process and to find happiness as what Katie calls a lover of reality.

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November 8, 2024

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