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Peri-Guard Antimicrobial Ointment and Skin Protectant 3.5 oz (Pack of 4)

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Product Name
Peri-Guard Antimicrobial Ointment and Skin Protectant 3.5 oz (Pack of 4)
Product Description

Pack of 4 for the UPC: 714196204042 INDICATIONS: PeriGuard is an Antimicrobial Ointment and Skin Protectant used to treat patients in Hospitals and Nursing Homes who suffer from Incontinence. This Latex Free and Vitamin Enriched Perineal Care Product should be considered as part of a prevention program to treat patients with Dry Skin and Rashes which can occur in the Perineum Region. PeriGuard antimicrobial ointment protects skin with Zinc Oxide: which aids in the prevention of diaper rash in incontinence patients PeriGuard Antimicrobial Ointment contains Vitamins A D and E. When PeriGuard is applied it leaves skin both soft and supple. The skin of the patient can breathe and the skin can be effectively monitored by the staff of the Nursing Home or Hospital. If a diaper rash is already present in the patient PeriGuard should be used to effectively treat the diaper rash. Due to PeriGaurd s Antimicrobial Properties it can help to prevent further infection of the patient also. Contains Zinc Oxide for treatment and prevention of diaper rash from incontinence. Protects skin and prevents irritation from urine and feces. Leaves skin soft. WARNINGS: Keep out of reach of children.

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Last updated
March 1, 2025

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