Product info
Since 1895, kaiser bill, the founder's pet wolf, has jealously guarded our texas range cook recipe. For generations, wolf brand's unique blend of seasonings and good hearty beef have delivered bold and authentic chili taste. Neighbor, how long has it been since you had a big, thick, steaming bowl of wolf brand chili? Well, that's too long! ConAgra foods®, food you love. *USDA daily recommended amounts: 2-1/2 cups vegetables - one serving contains 1/4 cup, 10% daily amount; 5-1/2 oz equivalent meat + beans - one serving contains 2-3/4 oz, 50% daily amount. Balance calories with physical activity. Start making, your plan for a balanced life. Free online program with personalized tools that help you find your balance in nutrition, activity and well-being. 10% of daily vegetables & 50% of daily meat. Recipe for classic chili pie. U.S. inspected and passed by department of agriculture.
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