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Ticonderoga My First Pencil Set 5-Pieces 0.35 Lead size

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Product Name
Ticonderoga My First Pencil Set 5-Pieces 0.35 Lead size
Product Description

This large size (13/32”) round No. 2 pencil is easy for small hands to hold making them ideal for children in the early stages of their writing development. The thick graphite core features a proprietary formula focusing on graphite mined from carefully controlled sources to deliver a broad smooth line. Pre-sharpened and includes bonus sharpener to save you time and hassle. Top-quality erasers remove marks completely without smudging. Premium wood harvested from responsibly managed sources provides smooth even sharpening with minimal breakage. Teachers prefer Ticonderoga for its dependability and craftmanship. When only the best will do choose Ticonderoga brand pencils.

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Last updated
February 12, 2025

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