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Sparco Quality Wirebound 5-Subject Notebook Assorted Colors

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Product Name
Sparco Quality Wirebound 5-Subject Notebook Assorted Colors
Product Description

Whether you re jotting down notes from physics class sketching an outline for a history term paper or brainstorming ideas for the great American novel this Sparco Quality 5-Subject Notebook has just what you need. It has 180 sheets of narrow-ruled paper so it will last most or all semester and not be excessively bulky in your backpack. This Sparco notebook features a sturdy wire binding that s also very lightweight perforated sheets that make the notebook ideal for note-taking and sharing bright white sheets that are easy to use and clear red/blue lines. The notebook is already three-hole punched for placement in almost any three-ring binder. This wirebound notebook which is available in assorted colors also features stiff Kraft dividers.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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