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Sigvaris Style 842 Soft Opaque 20-30 Closed Toe Thigh High Compression Stockings w/Grip Top Graphite ML Long

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Product Name
Sigvaris Style 842 Soft Opaque 20-30 Closed Toe Thigh High Compression Stockings w/Grip Top Graphite ML Long
Product Description

For moderate and more severe symptoms: The SOFT OPAQUE 840 Series are part of the SIGVARIS MEDICAL collection and are designed to ensure correct fit and accurate compression. SIGVARIS MEDICAL products fit various lifestyles and are best suited for those with chronic venous disorders, edema, stasis, skin changes, and for those who have had or will be having a vein procedure. How does graduated compression therapy help with the management of venous problems? As a person walks, the contraction and relaxation of the calf muscles around the veins aid in moving blood toward the heart. The external graduated compression of SIGVARIS socks and stockings act as a layer of muscle by gently squeezing the stretched vein walls together, allowing the valves to close. The cavity of the vein is reduced, thereby restoring blood flow to a normal state and aiding overall circulation. To be most effective, the socks or stockings should be put on at the start of your day and removed before you go to bed. Some people have an inherited weakness of the vein walls or valves which creates additional challenges to venous return. Wearing SIGVARIS graduated compression socks or stockings is vital for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins and other circulatory problems. About SIGVARIS: The Swiss company SIGVARIS, 100% family-owned since it was founded, is the global market leader in the manufacture of medical compression garments and celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2014. The company was established in 1864 in Winterthur. For about 100 years, SIGVARIS produced “rubber-elastic textiles”, which it sold both in Switzerland and abroad. With over 8 million pairs of stockings created in 2015, The Swiss Group SIGVARIS has its headquarters in Switzerland and is the global market leader in the manufacture of medical compression garments. SIGVARIS pursues an international growth strategy on the solid foundation of more than 150 years of success.

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Last updated
March 6, 2025

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