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Confer Plastic G7200 Roll Guard Self Closing & Latching Pool Ladder Gate

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Product Name
Confer Plastic G7200 Roll Guard Self Closing & Latching Pool Ladder Gate
Product Description

Add some extra security to your aboveground pool ladder with the Confer Plastics G7200 Roll Guard Self Closing Auto Latching Pool Ladder Gate. Easily attaching to the Roll-Guard pool ladder model 7200 (sold separately) this ladder guard gate adds peace of mind to your backyard pool. Self-closing and self-latching the guard gate restricts access to the ladder and hugs the ladder steps with its contoured design. Keep young children away from accidents around the pool with this ladder guard gate. Well out of the reach of small children the latch sits at just over 6-feet high above grade for gate latches. This extra-security ladder gate meets current BOCA codes and requirements and was manufactured to give you a sense of ease and security with your pool ladder. The Roll-Guard pool ladder safety gate ships complete with a padlock for extra security. Keep everyone safe and having fun around the pool in your backyard with the Confer Plastics G7200 Roll Guard Self Closing Auto Latching Pool Ladder Gate.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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