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Scotch MMM898134 Premium-Grade Filament Tape 1 / Roll Clear

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Product Name
Scotch MMM898134 Premium-Grade Filament Tape 1 / Roll Clear
Product Description

Laminated adhesive layer of this high-performance packaging tape provides an extra measure of protection. The tape combines a strong polypropylene backing reinforced with continuous glass yarn filaments and a synthetic rubber resin adhesive. This aggressive adhesive is specifically formulated to provide an excellent balance of initial adhesion and long-term holding power to most fiberboard surfaces including recycled and printed fiberboard surfaces. Multilayer adhesive system prevents delamination to help ensure tape strength and performance throughout the application. An ideal choice for heavy-duty sealing shipping and splicing this tape provides very good holding power under a wide range of conditions. Tough clear film backing resists abrasion and moisture provides good aging and protects the filaments and adhesive to help your boxes remain closed for long period of time. Scotch Premium-Grade Filament Tape Clear 1 / Roll (Quantity)

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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