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Astrology/Karma & Transformation 2nd Ed (Paperback)

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Product Name
Astrology/Karma & Transformation 2nd Ed (Paperback)
Product Description

This insightful and original book focuses on the understanding and use of astrology as a tool for spiritual and psychological growth. In contrast to traditional prediction-oriented astrology this new approach to the most ancient of all sciences is based upon the law of karma and the urge toward self-transformation. Especially emphasizing the transformative and karmic significance of Saturn Uranus Neptune and Pluto this book places all astrological techniques in a growth-oriented perspective. It is especially pertinent for those whose interest in astrology is based on a recognition of its spiritual significance and its value for enhancing self-knowledge. Included are chapters on such topics as: karma & relationships; progressions; transits; astrology in the Edgar Cayce readings; the meaning of the Ascendant & its ruler; and a positive approach to Saturn. In addition the chapters on Pluto and on the aspects are the most complete in-depth treatments of these subjects now available in print.

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March 4, 2025

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