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Unwanteds Quests The Unwanteds Quests Complete Collection (Boxed Set): Dragon Captives; Dragon Bones; Dragon Ghosts; Dragon Curse; Dragon (Paperback)

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Product Name
Unwanteds Quests The Unwanteds Quests Complete Collection (Boxed Set): Dragon Captives; Dragon Bones; Dragon Ghosts; Dragon Curse; Dragon (Paperback)
Product Description

The complete sequel series to the New York Times bestselling and award-winning Unwanteds series about kids whose creative abilities give them magical powers are now available in a collectible paperback boxed set! Identical twins Fifer and Thisbe Stow have natural magical talent that is even greater than that of their brother Alex head mage of Artimé. But their powers are dangerously uncontrollable. When Fifer and Thisbe accidentally strike down a beloved creature Alex threatens to lock them away until they can master their abilities. The threat is forgotten however when the dragon Hux comes to Artimé seeking help for the land of dragons which has been enslaved by the notoriously evil Revinir. Seeking a chance to right their wrong and escape their brother s wrath Thisbe and Fifer together with their friend Seth sneak away to rescue the dragons from grave peril. From there a new adventure begins that will bring danger shocking twists and magical wonders for all the people of Artimé. This captivating paperback boxed set includes the complete series: Dragon Captives Dragon Bones Dragon Ghosts Dragon Curse Dragon Fire Dragon Slayers Dragon Fury

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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