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Addiction Treatment: Cocaine Solutions: Help for Cocaine Abusers and Their Families (Paperback)

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Product Name
Addiction Treatment: Cocaine Solutions: Help for Cocaine Abusers and Their Families (Paperback)
Product Description

Although the media focus on the rise of cocaine use and the evils of its abuse the public receives little real information about the scope of the problem and its treatment. This timely practical and honest volume gets to the heart of the cocaine addiction problem. Cocaine Solutions not only addresses the difficulties experienced by addicts and their families in coping with the devastating financial emotional and psychological toll that addiction takes it also identifies specific sources of help that exist for addicts and their families. Both recovered drug addicts themselves the authors discuss some of the obstacles to recovery and the ways to overcome them. Cocaine Solutions includes the stories of recovering addicts to illustrate firsthand what addicts lives are like giving you a better understanding of the people who are afflicted with the disease of addiction. This important book is required reading for a wide audience--cocaine addicts potential addicts the families of addicted or potentially addicted persons professionals who see addiction daily in their patients and anyone who is interested in the problem of cocaine addiction.

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March 4, 2025

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