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Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis: Multiscale Potential Theory: With Applications to Geoscience (Paperback)

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Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis: Multiscale Potential Theory: With Applications to Geoscience (Paperback)
Product Description

This self-contained text/reference provides a basic foundation for practitioners researchers and students interested in any of the diverse areas of multiscale (geo)potential theory. New mathematical methods are developed enabling the gravitational potential of a planetary body to be modeled using a continuous flow of observations from land or satellite devices. Harmonic wavelets methods are introduced as well as fast computational schemes and various numerical test examples. Presented are multiscale approaches for numerous geoscientific problems including geoidal determination magnetic field reconstruction deformation analysis and density variation modelling With exercises at the end of each chapter the book may be used as a textbook for graduate-level courses in geomathematics applied mathematics and geophysics. The work is also an up-to-date reference text for geoscientists applied mathematicians and engineers.

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March 4, 2025

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