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Springer Tracts in Natural Philosophy: The Theory of Pseudo-Rigid Bodies (Paperback)

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Product Name
Springer Tracts in Natural Philosophy: The Theory of Pseudo-Rigid Bodies (Paperback)
Product Description

This monograph concerns the development analysis and application of the theory of pseudo-rigid bodies. It collects together our work on that subject over the last five years. While some results have appeared else- where much of the work is new. Our objective in writing this mono- graph has been to present a new theory of the deformation of bodies one that has not only a firm theoretical basis but also the simplicity to serve as an effective tool in practical problems. Consequently the main body of the treatise is a multifaceted development of the theory from foundations to explicit solutions to linearizations to methods of approximation. The fact that this variety of aspects each examined in considerable detail can be collected together in a single unified treat- ment gives this theory an elegance that we feel sets it apart from many others. While our goal has always been to give a complete treatment of the theory as it now stands the work here is not meant to be definitive. Theories are not entities that appear suddenly one day and thereafter stand as given. Rather they must mature and grow with time and experience. Our development is more correctly a beginning tempting others to explore appraise and modify its features so as to produce something better.

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March 6, 2025

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