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Springer Proceedings in Physics: Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics X: Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop Athens Ga Usa February 24-28 1997 (Paperback)

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Product Name
Springer Proceedings in Physics: Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics X: Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop Athens Ga Usa February 24-28 1997 (Paperback)
Product Description

Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed-Matter Physics X is devoted to Prof. Masuo Suzuki s ideas which have made novel new simulations possible. These proceedings of the 1997 workshop comprise three parts that deal with new algorithms methods of analysis and conceptual developments. The first part contains invited papers that deal with simulational studies of classical systems. The second of the proceedings is devoted to invited papers on quantum systems including new results for strongly correlated electron and quantum spin models. The final part contains a large number of contributed presentations.

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