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NATO Science Partnership Subseries: 2: Transboundary Water Resources Management: Institutional and Engineering Approaches (Paperback)

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NATO Science Partnership Subseries: 2: Transboundary Water Resources Management: Institutional and Engineering Approaches (Paperback)
Product Description

In a world facing a growing water crisis conflicts regarding water sharing and environmental issues are expected to grow especially in transboundary river basins where 40% of the world s population lives. This book represents one of the first attempts to bring together methodologies and analytical tools from socio-economic international policy engineering and water management specialists dealing with transboundary water resources. The book is divided into three parts. Part I introduces state--of-the-art concepts in institutional policy and conflict analysis. Part II presents engineering approaches and models for transboundary water management and conflict resolution. Part III analyzes cases in international river basins and enclosed seas.

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March 4, 2025

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