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Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Systems (Paperback)

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Product Name
Sensitivity Analysis in Linear Systems (Paperback)
Product Description

A text surveying perturbation techniques and sensitivity analysis of linear systems is an ambitious undertaking considering the lack of basic comprehensive texts on the subject. A wide-ranging and global coverage of the topic is as yet missing despite the existence of numerous monographs dealing with specific topics but generally of use to only a narrow category of people. In fact most works approach this subject from the numerical analysis point of view. Indeed researchers in this field have been most concerned with this topic although engineers and scholars in all fields may find it equally interesting. One can state without great exaggeration that a great deal of engineering work is devoted to testing systems sensitivity to changes in design parameters. As a rule high-sensitivity elements are those which should be designed with utmost care. On the other hand as the mathematical modelling serving for the design process is usually idealized and often inaccurately formulated some unforeseen alterations may cause the system to behave in a slightly different manner. Sensitivity analysis can help the engineer innovate ways to minimize such system discrepancy since it starts from the assumption of such a discrepancy between the ideal and the actual system.

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March 4, 2025

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