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How to Publish an eBook for Under $350

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How to Publish an eBook for Under $350
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Get started today. Join the ranks of published authors. You ve written a gripping story an inspirational biography or a motivational bestseller but no publisher or agent will return your calls? Why not publish your own ebook? This author did and for under $350! Greg Lundberg describes the seven things you need to successfully publish your ebook. If you have a little bit of computer skill you can minimize your expenses. Don t have the technical know-how? A list of service providers is furnished who can do the task for you. I was impressed because I am not computer savvy at all but Greg made it simple to understand. - Eveline Horelle-Daily author and lecturer If you are thinking about creating an ebook read this book first. All you need to know is here written in clear steps that will make it easy. - Gale Leach award winning author This publication is designed for the do-it-yourself author/publisher who wants a highly professional-looking product for the least amount of money. At every step you will learn how to complete a task yourself at minimal cost and then how to find a reasonably priced service to do it for you. The more you do yourself the less it costs. It s that simple. The book is packed with easy-to-follow checklists links to free software time-saving tips and lists of service providers. You will save hours researching the Web. As an indie author and publisher I know firsthand you can waste money and months of your time navigating the tricky waters of self-publishing. His quick concise manual will show you all you need to know in one handy guide. - Michael Bradley author and publisher As a special bonus everyone who purchases this book will be given FREE ACCESS to a preformatted MS Word document designed to help speed up EPUB conversion an MS Excel publisher s budget and useful softcopies of many of the topics covered.

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March 4, 2025

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