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Mint Tea to Maori Tattoo! (Paperback)

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Product Name
Mint Tea to Maori Tattoo! (Paperback)
Product Description

Black & White edition One morning Carolina wakes up determined to change something in her life. She has had enough of living her monotonous daily routine and craves something else something unusual. Something that would stretch her boundaries expand her horizons and allow her to discover more about herself. How about a trip around the world? A perfect idea to discover the world s beauties meet people from different cultures and learn more about where she fits in society. Her adventure takes her to the Middle East Africa and Oceania. During her travels she encounters endangered mountain gorillas walks with wild lions and flirts with adrenaline boosting activities like bungee jumping. But what does this experience bring her spiritually? Does it awaken feelings which were lying dormant inside her; unravel some of the preconceptions she had about life; or simply bring her inner peace and self satisfaction? Also available in Colour

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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