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Karate-Do: The Art of Defense (Paperback)

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Karate-Do: The Art of Defense (Paperback)
Product Description

In KARATE-DO The Art of Defense Mercado covers a plurality of the karate fundamentals. In addition this book has two chapters he considers very unique. Chapter II (Diagram and Medical View of the Vital Points) informs the practitioner of the combative and safety points. Chapter X (Nutrition Produces Performance) deals with the benefits of nutrition to the karate practitioner and also to the person interested in the value of nutrition. Chapter II (Diagram and Medical View of the Vital Points) It is imperative that all serious practitioners should familiarize themselves with the locations of these vital points. - Dr. Steven C. Hannah M.D. The practicing beginner or advanced karateka will find the foundation provided in this book an invaluable source to obtain a first degree black belt or higher. - Austin Box Founder Hana-Dai Ichi Karate Association Foreword by Austin Box inducted member of the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame (Native American Grandmaster of the year).

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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