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Cambridge Statistical and Probabilistic Statistical Principles for the Design of Experiments Book 36 (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Cambridge Statistical and Probabilistic Statistical Principles for the Design of Experiments Book 36 (Hardcover)
Product Description

This book is about the statistical principles behind the design of effective experiments and focuses on the practical needs of applied statisticians and experimenters engaged in design implementation and analysis. Emphasising the logical principles of statistical design rather than mathematical calculation the authors demonstrate how all available information can be used to extract the clearest answers to many questions. The principles are illustrated with a wide range of examples drawn from real experiments in medicine industry agriculture and many experimental disciplines. Numerous exercises are given to help the reader practise techniques and to appreciate the difference that good design can make to an experimental research project. Based on Roger Mead s excellent Design of Experiments this new edition is thoroughly revised and updated to include modern methods relevant to applications in industry engineering and modern biology. It also contains seven new chapters on contemporary topics including restricted randomisation and fractional replication.

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March 4, 2025

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