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War of 2012 : Main Street Versus Wall Street (Hardcover)

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Product Name
War of 2012 : Main Street Versus Wall Street (Hardcover)
Product Description

The book The War of 2012 is an expression of a true belief that business landscape on Main Street USA has been destroyed by Corporate America and Wall Street . The Main Street Economy will not get better until the way Corporate America does business on Main Street changes and elected leaders of the country decide to represent the people who live on Main Street instead of those who live on Wall Street . 30 years ago Corporate America took over The Main Street Economy and 30decades later 50 million Americans live in poverty 88 million Americans live pay check to pay check and 20 million Americans are unemployed. For 3 decades Corporate America has taken the wealth from Main Street and distributed that to Wall Street by defying the principals of Capitalism . For 3 decades Corporate America has declared war on the American worker by defying organized labor stagnating wages and paying heir lower income workers a non living wage . The War of 2012 is against Corporate America Wall Street the wealthy and every money-grabbing politician in the country that s be-deviled the American worker and their families.

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March 4, 2025

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