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TOPS Things To Do Today Daily Agenda Pad 8 1/2 x 11 100 Forms -TOP2170

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Product Name
TOPS Things To Do Today Daily Agenda Pad 8 1/2 x 11 100 Forms -TOP2170
Product Description

Ensure that you ve got all your tasks for the day covered with the help of this Tops Things To Do Today Pad. It contains several sheets of the same print enabling you to list down whatever you need to accomplish complete buy make note of and more. This daily planner pad also has an attractive design that will encourage you to write notes down and stick to your agenda. Each sheet includes pre-printed prompts for the date and 12 numbered areas to write lengthy or large project descriptions. Every project has a blank box on the right side that is ready to be checked off. This TOPS Things To Do Pad fits on a desk or neatly into a clipboard. It contains 100 white bond sheets that are printed in blue ink on one side.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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