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Theatre of the Oppressed (Paperback)

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Theatre of the Oppressed (Paperback)
Product Description

Boal and his work are marvelous examples of the post-modern situation-its problems and its opportunities. Twice exiled Boal is at home now wherever he finds himself to be. He makes a skeptical comic inquisitive and finally optimistic theatre involving spectators and performers in the search for community and integrity. This is a good book to be used even more than to be read. - Richard Schechner Augusto Boal s achievement is so remarkable so original and so groundbreaking that I have no hesitation in describing the book as the most important theoretical work in the theatre in modern times - a statement I make with having suffered any memory lapse with respect to Stanislavsky Artaud or Grotowski. - Goerge E. Wellwarth Originally basing himself at the Arena Stage in Sao Paolo Brazil Augusto Boal developed a series of imaginative theatre exercises which promote awareness of one s social situation and its limitations individual attitudes and even how our bodies are bound by tradition. Boal is continued his explorations in Paris where he directed Le CEDITADE (Centre d Etude et de Diffusion des Techniques Actives d Expression - Methode Boal) in addition to traveling and lecturing extensively in other countries. On May 2 2009 Boal died at age 78 in Rio de Janeiro.

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March 4, 2025

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