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Frida Fertility Ovulation Test Kit with 30 Ovulation Strips, Pregnancy Tests, and Pee Cup

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Product Name
Frida Fertility Ovulation Test Kit with 30 Ovulation Strips, Pregnancy Tests, and Pee Cup
Product Description

Frida Fertility Ovulation Test Kit with 30 Ovulation Strips, Pregnancy Tests, and Pee Cup HOW IT WORKS: Test and know when your 24-48 hour baby making window (aka LH surge) is open to maximize your chances of conceiving. No more hacks or guesswork required. WTF IS LH?: Cause you might not know... When the Luteinizing Hormone [LH] in your body begins to rise, it signals to your brain that it's time to release an egg. Because the timing is different for everyone, tracking your LH levels helps detect your 24-48 hour most fertile window. OVULATION TEST; Detect in 3 minutes with over 99% accuracy and use our easy tracking system to find your 2 most fertile days. PREGNANCY TEST: Detect in 5 minutes with over 99% accuracy 6 days before your missed period. COLLAPSABLE PEE CUP: Portable and reusable so you can take it wherever you test, no pee on your hand again.

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Last updated
February 11, 2025

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