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Dutch Oven: Cast-Iron Cooking Over an Open Fire (Paperback)

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Product Name
Dutch Oven: Cast-Iron Cooking Over an Open Fire (Paperback)
Product Description

For years the Dutch oven has been popular on the grill and barbecue scene and cooking with the black pots over an open fire has become a fashionable cult. Thus the Dutch oven is more than merely a cast-iron cooking pot. It is a symbol of the Wild West freedom and adventure good food by a campfire and life in the world of nature. With over 100 recipes now you can learn to cook over open flames in a Dutch oven conjuring such scrumptious dishes as juicy roasts hearty casseroles or baked crisp bread. Desserts too as well as typical bean dishes or casseroles become child s play through simple directions making cooking easy and fun even for a beginner.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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