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Young for Life : The Easy No-Diet No-Sweat Plan to Look and Feel 10 Years Younger (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Young for Life : The Easy No-Diet No-Sweat Plan to Look and Feel 10 Years Younger (Hardcover)
Product Description

The bestselling coauthor of Fit for Life outlines a program that reverses genetic aging with whole foods isometric exercise and a cocktail of essential supplements. One hundred and seventy millions Americans are obese. Thirty million are skinny fat not outwardly big but inwardly nutrition deficient. The authors of this book both staunch vegans for decades were among the skinny fat. After witnessing accelerated aging Marilyn Diamond and Dr. Donald Schnell transformed their health through a radical lifestyle overhaul that most people over 40 will find easy and intuitive. Young for Life begins with the premise that our bodies are miraculous machines that have the potential for life-long vitality sexuality and youthfulness and then shows how to reverse the signs aging through three key life-changing practices: - Whole Food nutrition for vital nutrients that combat genetic aging - Convenience exercise-6-second techniques of muscle contraction that are the foundation of shaping sexy muscle anytime anywhere - Disease-prevention-fighting nutrient deficiency with micronutrient supplements

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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