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REPAIR Your Life: A Program for Recovery from Incest & Childhood Sexual Abuse (Hardcover)

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Product Name
REPAIR Your Life: A Program for Recovery from Incest & Childhood Sexual Abuse (Hardcover)
Product Description

R.E.P.A.I.R. is a Six-Stage Program for abuse survivors that will transform your life forever! Recognize and accept your adult problems stemming from childhood sexual abuse. Enter into a commitment to transform your life. Process your issues with tools and techniques that will enable you to become healthy. Awareness to discover reality as you gather and assemble the pieces of the broken puzzle your life became. Insight into the complete picture helps you begin to return to what you were prior to being sexually violated. Rhythm recovers the natural rhythm you had before the incest happened the blueprint that is the essence of your true nature becoming who you really are. Therapists Acclaim for REPAIR Your Life Thank you Marjorie and God bless you for adapting this program for our survivors to follow. You have given survivors hope to continue on their healing journey. -Donna Gustafson Executive Director Sunrise Center Against Sexual Abuse Anyone wanting to recover from the life-long trauma of childhood sexual abuse will benefit from this book. -Marcelle B. Taylor MFT This program just has to work because whether intuitively or through research Marjorie McKinnon has assembled a highly effective program of recovery. -Bob Rich PhD Please visit for more information or to find a group in your area. Special editions available for young people: ask your bookseller for REPAIR for Kids and REPAIR for Toddlers . Another life-changing title from Loving Healing Press SEL001530 Self-Help: Abuse - Sexual SEL029000 Self-Help: Twelve-Step Programs

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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