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Image: Fusing Lab and Gallery: Device Art in Japan and International Nano Art (Paperback)

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Image: Fusing Lab and Gallery: Device Art in Japan and International Nano Art (Paperback)
Product Description

Why do Japanese artists team up with engineers in order to create so-called Device Art? What is a nanoscientist s motivation in approaching the artworld? In the past few years there has been a remarkable increase in attempts to foster the exchange between art technology and science - an exchange taking place in academies museums or even in research laboratories. Media art has proven especially important in the dialogue between these cultural fields. This book is a contribution to the current debate on art & science interdisciplinarity and the discourse of innovation. It critically assesses artistic positions that appear as the ongoing attempt to localize art s position within technological and societal change - between now and the future.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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