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OFF!® Triple Wick Scented Citronella Candle Bucket Warm White 23 oz 2 ct

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Product Name
OFF!® Triple Wick Scented Citronella Candle Bucket Warm White 23 oz 2 ct
Product Description

Don t let mosquitoes spoil your special outdoor time. Be proactive so that mosquitoes are repelled well before your good times begin. OFF!® Citronella Candle Bucket gives all your outdoor occasions the ambiance and gentle glow they deserve. This 3-wick scented oil candle can be re-lit for continuous use and burns for up to 50 hours reducing the presence of mosquitoes. These candles are perfect for pre-back yard pre-hosting and pre-relaxing. This OFF!® Triple Wick Citronella Candle works just like a normal candle and makes the perfect centerpiece. Take back your space and keep living life your way with a decorative outdoor candle that creates an inviting atmosphere. Use on your tabletop deck or patio.Keep out of reach of children and pets. For outdoor use only. Do not use in enclosed areas such as garages or porches. See the label for other precautions and usage directions.Prevention is the best protection so also try our OFF!® Mosquito Repellent Lamp our OFF!® Backyard Bug Control and our OFF® Outdoor Insect Fogger as well.

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Last updated
March 1, 2025

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