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Chevron Delo 400 XSP Synthetic 5W-40 Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil 1 Gallon

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Product Name
Chevron Delo 400 XSP Synthetic 5W-40 Heavy Duty Diesel Motor Oil 1 Gallon
Product Description

Chevron Delo 400 XSP Full Synthetic 5W40 Motor Oil is an outstanding choice for your vehicle. It s specifically formulated to reduce emissions and is designed to meet the 2007 and 2010 exhaust gas re-circulation standards. This synthetic motor oil meets those standards with diesel particulate filter and exhaust gas re-circulation/ selective catalytic reduction with diesel particulate filter low-emission engines. It provides the highest level of performance in engines that were made before 2007. This formula utilizes viscosity index improvers to promote stable thickness and soot dispersion. This contributes to maximum vehicle utilization and minimal downtime. With its smooth texture Delo XSP Synthetic 5W40 Motor Oil promotes consistent cold engine starting. It s fully compatible with previous engine models and previous American petroleum institute oil service categories.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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