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Prestee 2000 Plastic Coffee Stirrers | Plastic Straws - 5 Inch Coffee Stir Sticks | Cocktail Straws | Disposable Drinking Straws For Coffee & Cocktail

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Product Name
Prestee 2000 Plastic Coffee Stirrers | Plastic Straws - 5 Inch Coffee Stir Sticks | Cocktail Straws | Disposable Drinking Straws For Coffee & Cocktail
Product Description

Coffee stirrers are an indispensable addition to any break or coffee room serving as a beacon of convenience that everyone will undoubtedly appreciate. Not only do they facilitate effortless stirring but their disposable nature ensures hassle-free cleanup. With the mega pack containing a generous 2000 pieces you can effortlessly stock up your snack and break room guaranteeing an ample supply for all. These versatile stirrers are thoughtfully crafted for seamlessly blending milk cream or sugar into your favorite coffee hot chocolate tea or any other delightful beverage that warms your soul.

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Last updated
February 19, 2025

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