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$2.50 a Gallon : Why Obama Is Wrong and Cheap Gas Is Possible (Paperback)

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$2.50 a Gallon : Why Obama Is Wrong and Cheap Gas Is Possible (Paperback)
Product Description

New York Times bestselling author former Speaker of the House and Fox News political analyst and Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich has a plan for slashing gas prices and reducing our long-term dependence on foreign oil. Gingrich is famous for taking big visionary ideas and boiling them down into practical solutions for the American people and in his new book $2.50 A Gallon: Why Obama Is Wrong and Cheap Gas Is Possible Gingrich tackles America s energy crisis. Dealing not only with spiraling gas prices but with all aspects of energy policy Gingrich shows how we can safely reap the benefits of America s own natural resources and technology in gas oil coal wind solar biofuels and nuclear energy. Gingrich argues that the pinch Americans are feeling at the pump is not a blip in the economy but a looming crisis--affecting not only the price of gas but the price of food the strength of our economy and our national security. To meet this crisis Gingrich lays out a national strategy that will tap America s scientists engineers and entrepreneurs and require Congress to unlock our oil reserves and remove all the impediments and disincentives that unnecessary government regulation has put in the way of American energy independence. The energy crisis is solvable as Newt Gingrich s plan makes clear. His handbook $2.50 A Gallon: Why Obama Is Wrong and Cheap Gas Is Possible is sure to become the talk of the presidential campaign season.

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February 5, 2025

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