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ARM & HAMMER Sensitive Teeth & Gums Toothpaste Refreshing Mint- Fluoride Toothpaste

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Product Name
ARM & HAMMER Sensitive Teeth & Gums Toothpaste Refreshing Mint- Fluoride Toothpaste
Product Description

ARM & HAMMER™ Sensitive anticavity fluoride toothpaste is formulated with an FDA-approved active ingredient to protect and relieve tooth sensivity providing MAXIMUM SENSITIVITY RELIEF - without a prescription. Naturally powered by 100% pure baking soda our toothpastes go beyond cleaning giving you stronger healthier teeth and gums. Unlike regular fluoride toothpaste our pure baking soda formulas penetrate deeper throughout your mouth REMOVING UP TO 3X MORE PLAQUE in hard-to-reach places.* Best of all we do this gently and are less abrasive than other toothpastes. *in hard-to-reach areas compared to a leading toothpaste **Data on file

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Last updated
March 12, 2025

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