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Tetra Whisper Internal Filter 5 to 10 Gallon with Air Pump for Aquariums

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Product Name
Tetra Whisper Internal Filter 5 to 10 Gallon with Air Pump for Aquariums
Product Description

The Tetra Whisper 10i Internal Filter for aquariums is the ultimate in quiet convenient 3-stage filtration. The air pump (included) provides bubbles that move water through the filter efficiently filtering and oxygenating your aquarium. The water flows through Ultra-Activated carbon absorbing s and discoloration as well as through the dual-sided mesh of the Bio-Bag Filter trapping debris and fish waste. Filters up to 80 GPH while oxygenating water. The Tetra Whisper 10i Internal Filter adjusts easily to high or low water levels with a mounting clip.

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Last updated
March 3, 2025

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