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Tetra tetrafauna repto Filter 50 G Terrarium Filtration for Frogs Newts and Turtles Keeps Water Clear

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Product Name
Tetra tetrafauna repto Filter 50 G Terrarium Filtration for Frogs Newts and Turtles Keeps Water Clear
Product Description

TetraFauna® ReptoFilter® for frogs newts and turtle terrariums is the only terrarium filter you’ll need. With efficient three-stage filtration TetraFauna ReptoFilter promotes clean clear water in as little as 2 inches of water making it ideal for the low-level aquatic environments small aquatic animals prefer. This small filter is easy to conceal behind a plant or other decorative object and its lid keeps reptiles out. It removes debris discoloration odors and ammonia from terrariums.

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Last updated
December 13, 2024

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