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Skijor with Your Dog : Second Edition (Edition 2) (Paperback)

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Skijor with Your Dog : Second Edition (Edition 2) (Paperback)
Product Description

Skijoring or being pulled on skis by a dog in harness is a great sport in which almost everyone--and almost any breed of dog--can participate. It requires little beyond a pair of skis and a dog with a desire to pull. The second edition of this popular and practical guide to the sport covers what equipment is needed how to teach a dog to pull and how to work with your dog year-round. Although it is geared toward beginners Skijor with Your Dog offers plenty of useful information for experienced skijorers as well including racing tips how to involve children how to camp and travel with dogs and how to train for competition. The book also covers canicross bikejoring and other ways to work with dogs when there s no snow.With this book in hand readers will have all the information they need to begin enjoying the outdoors with their dogs in a whole new way.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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