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Short Cuts: Avant-Garde Film: Forms Themes and Passions (Paperback)

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Product Name
Short Cuts: Avant-Garde Film: Forms Themes and Passions (Paperback)
Product Description

Avant-Garde Film: Forms Themes and Passions examines the variety of concerns and practices that have comprised the long history of avant-garde film at a level appropriate for undergraduate study. It covers the developments of experimental film-making since the modernist explosion in the 1920s in Europe through to the Soviet film experiments the American Underground cinema and the French New Wave structuralism and contemporary gallery work of the young British artists. Through in-depth case-studies the book introduces students not only to the history of the avant-garde but also to varied analytical approaches to the films themselves - ranging from abstraction (Richter Ruttmann) to surreal visions (Bunuel Wyn Evans) underground subversion (Jack Smith Warhol) to experimental narrative (Deren and Antonioni).

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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