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Water: For Health for Healing for Life: You re Not Sick You re Thirsty! (Paperback)

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Water: For Health for Healing for Life: You re Not Sick You re Thirsty! (Paperback)
Product Description

From the author of the self-published sensation Your Body s Many Cries for Water comes an all new book expanding on the healing powers of water. Asthma allergies arthritis hypertension depression headaches diabetes obesity and MS. These are just some of the conditions and diseases that are caused by persistent dehydration. But there is a miracle solution that is readily available all natural and free: water. In WATER: FOR HEALTH FOR HEALING FOR LIFE Dr. F. Batmanghelidj reveals how easy it is to obtain optimum health by drinking more water and supports his claims with over 20 years of clinical and scientific research. Thirsty readers will discover what they never knew that water can actually: Prevent and reverse aging Cure asthma in a few days naturally and forever Eliminate pains including heartburn back pain and migraine headaches And much much more.

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March 4, 2025

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