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Curad Medium Gauze Pads 25 count

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Product Name
Curad Medium Gauze Pads 25 count
Product Description

What Makes Curad® Gauze Pads Effective? Our pads have 8 soft layers Plus an extra cellulose layer to provide the highest degree of absorbency as well as a soft ultra plush pattern that provides non-stick low lint protection to the wound. Maximum Absorbency Extra layer of cellulose boosts wicking and absorbency 8 Soft Layers More layers provide extra cushion and coverage to the wound Non-Woven Blend Engineered to provide exceptional softness to the wound and ouchless removal A Leading Brand Hospitals Use Family-owned. Trusted by hospitals for over 40 years. WARNING: For medical emergencies please seek professional help. In case of deep or puncture wounds or serious burns consult a physician. If irritation or redness develops or persists discontinue use and consult your healthcare provider. STERILE Unless package is damaged or open

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Last updated
December 2, 2024

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