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Plustek OpticFilm 8300i Ai Film Scanner 35mm Film & Slide

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Product Name
Plustek OpticFilm 8300i Ai Film Scanner 35mm Film & Slide
Product Description

Advanced Function - Plustek OpticFilm 8300i Ai is the newest launched scanner for digitizing 35mm negative films and slides. Its sharp optical system produces excellent detail in shadow areas and has a remarkable tonal range. The built-in infrared channel helps users remove dust and scratches on the original negatives and slides withoutadditional post-processing. Speed up - Through the new algorithm and upgrade of IC chip Scanning speed can be increased by up to 38% compared to the last model OpticFilm 8200i(*) users are capable of creating digital image archive of your own analog images easier than before. Advanced IT 8 Targets Included (3-slide 35 mm) - OpticFilm 8300i Ai came with IT8 Target which is accordance with ISO 12641-2 (in December 2019). The Advanced IT 8 target includes Part 2profiles which offer significantlymore measuring fields and points than the Standard Part 1 Targets especially for dark and pastel color tones. Thus the profiles of Part 2 enable an overall increase in accuracy.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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