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Cheng Tzu s Thirteen Treatises on T ai Chi Ch uan (Hardcover)

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Product Name
Cheng Tzu s Thirteen Treatises on T ai Chi Ch uan (Hardcover)
Product Description

In this erudite yet practical book Professor Cheng shares the secrets of his lineage and takes us to the heart of T ai Chi Ch uan presenting it as a martial artm a medicine and a means of exercise and self-development. With examples from anatomy and physics he demonstrates precisely how the postures and moves work internally as energetic principles and externally on opponents. Professor Cheng always emphasizes that disease (like an attack from an opponent) is an opportunity for training. The practitioner of T ai Chi Ch uan may serve as his (or her) own doctor and likewise as the physician (or trainer) of an attacker. This special text includes: -Thirteen essays on his insights into T ai Chi Ch uan. -Oral secrets from his teacher Yang Cheng fu. -Questions and answers giving his commentary to the classics. -Descriptions and mechanics of push-hands San Shou and Ta Lu. -Prefaces by both Madame Cheng and Bejamin Pang-Jeng Lo.

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Last updated
March 4, 2025

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