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Classiques: Éthique (Book)

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Classiques: Éthique (Book)
Product Description

Benedict de Spinoza lived a life of blameless simplicity as a lens-grinder in Holland. And yet in his lifetime he was expelled from the Jewish community in Amsterdam as a heretic and after his death his works were first banned by the Christian authorities as atheistic then hailed by humanists as the gospel of Pantheism. L Ethique de Spinoza parue en 1677 ouvre la philosophie moderne et accompagne tous ceux qui s aventurent sur la voie du bien agir. Cette traduction qui fut d abord publiée aux PUF est accompagnée d un important appareil critique justifiant les choix terminologiques et commentant l ordre des propositions définitions et axiomes.

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Last updated
February 19, 2025

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